
Why we reject the 2024 finance bill

Events  /  22nd October 2024

At the beginning of the month, the Kenyan Government proposed measures within the 2024-2025 finance bill that will significantly inhibit the growth of the film and creative industry in Kenya.

These measures seek to among other things charge eco levy on video cameras, SD cards, CDs, microphones and other sound recording equipment, Projectors and monitors, TV broadcasting equipment and radio broadcasting equipment.

Additionally, the proposed tax changes aim to increase excise duties on airtime and data, and introduce higher digital service taxes that will stifle growth, innovation, and opportunities for all creatives.

At LBx Africa, we are strongly against the implementation of these proposals and stand together with all Kenyans in rejecting this finance bill!

A detailed breakdown of how this bill directly affects the creative industry can be found here. We stand behind all the associations in the creative industry to echo the call for the National Assembly to reject these harmful proposals.

There has been incredible growth and progress in the creative industry over the last decade, despite the immense challenges and limited support from the government. While there has been a push to implement the proposed ‘Kenya Film Policy’ since 2020, progress has been very slow. This new proposed bill will only worsen the situation for everyone working in the creative space.

We encourage greater consultation with creatives and all Kenyans to ensure that policies support, rather than hinder, the industry’s development.

This movement isn’t just about opposing taxes; it’s about standing up for our livelihoods and future. The energy, passion, and resilience displayed by Kenyans is inspiring. Together, we can ensure that our voices are heard and that the creative industry continues to thrive.

Let’s keep pushing!

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